Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Maxbizz is a values-driven consulting agency dedicated.




411 University St, Seattle


Building Billions Consulting

At Building Billions, we understand that a solid credit score is essential for achieving your financial goals. If you’re burdened with a less-than-perfect credit history, we are here to help you take control of your financial future. Our personalized credit repair services are designed to provide you with the support and expertise you need to restore and rebuild your credit. With a unique client portal that offers real-time updates, you’ll have the tools and transparency to track your progress every step of the way.

No More Getting Denied for Car Loans, Credit Cards, Mortgages, Credit Cards or anything else you desire

our benefits


Step 1: Create a User Profile and receive a complimentary report of your credit Free of Charge
Step 2. Schedule a Free Consultation with our CEO himself., which includes a strategic in depth credit consultation which will serve as a guide to help us strategically attack negative items so you can gain the financial freedom you desire.

The Building Billions Way

Access to Free Money While Going thru Repair Process

Building Billions has partnered with licensed CPAs and tax professionals that are able to identify tax credits that are OWED to you. Did you know there are over 100,000's of tax credits that go unclaimed every year. We will be able to assist you with getting the money you deserve.

Real-Time Updates in Your Client Portal

Transparency and communication are at the core of our approach. With our unique state of the art client portal, you'll have access to real-time updates on the progress of your credit repair journey.

Secure and Personalized Dashboard

Log in to your secure and personalized client portal, where you can view your credit repair status, monitor changes to your credit report, and track the impact of our efforts.

Live Progress Updates

No more waiting in the dark. Our client portal provides live updates as we work on removing negative items and improving your credit score.

Document Upload and Communication

Easily upload relevant documents and communicate with our team directly through the portal. You'll experience a seamless and efficient collaboration process.

Educational Resources

We believe in empowering our clients with knowledge. In your client portal, you'll find educational resources and tips to help you maintain good credit habits for the long term.

Embark on Your Credit Repair Journey Today

The path to financial freedom starts with a healthy credit score. Don’t let past financial challenges hold you back. With our personalized credit repair services and real-time updates through the client portal, you can take charge of your credit future.